Ομάδα Gestalt Synthesis

Gestalt Synthesis Team

Please find below the short bios of our team

Ομάδα Gestalt Synthesis​


Dimitris Tzachanis, founder of Gestalt Synthesis, is an accredited psychotherapist by the National Organization of Psychotherapy of Greece, holder of the European
Certificate of Psychotherapy and member of the European
Association for Psychotherapy. He trained in Gestalt Therapy by the Gestalt Institute of San Francisco and was the head of the institute in Greece. He is also an accredited body psychotherapist, graduate of the Center for Psychotherapy & Counseling "Wilhelm Reich” and member of the Greek and European Association of Body Psychotherapy.

Έχει σπουδάσει Κοινωνική Ανθρωπολογία στο πανεπιστήμιο του Kent της Αγγλίαςκαι έχει ολοκληρώσει μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στην Ψυχανάλυση στο πανεπιστήμιο Brunel του Λονδίνου. Επιπλέον έχει εκπαιδευτεί και παρακολουθήσει σεμινάρια στη θεραπεία του τραύματος, στη θεραπεία του εσωτερικού παιδιού, στο Diamond Approach, στο IFS κ.α. Εμπνέεται ιδιαίτερα από την υπερπροσωπική ψυχοθεραπευτική φιλοσοφία και στην προσέγγισή του ενσωματώνει στοιχεία από διαφορετικές θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις. Εργάζεται ψυχοθεραπευτικά ατομικά και με ομάδες, σχεδιάζει και συντονίζει θεραπευτικά και εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια και διδάσκει Θεραπεία Gestalt στο ΚΕ.ΘΕ.ΣΥ.


Michael Soth is an integral-relational Body Psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor (UKCP), living in Oxford, UK. Over the last 30 years he has been teaching on a variety of counselling and therapy training courses, alongside working as Training Director at the Chiron Centre for Body Psychotherapy. Inheriting concepts, values and ways of working from both psychoanalytic and humanistic traditions, he is interested in the therapeutic relationship as a bodymind process between two people who are both wounded and whole.

In his work and teaching, he integrates an unusually wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches, working towards a full-spectrum integration of all therapeutic modalities and approaches, each with their gifts, wisdom and expertise as well as their shadow aspects, fallacies and areas of obliviousness.

In his work and teaching, he integrates a wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches, including Body Psychotherapy, Gestalt, Process-oriented Psychology, Psychosynthesis, Family Constellations and other humanistic approaches (Transactional Analysis, person-centred, Focussing, ). He is familiar with systemic and existential perspectives as well as constructivist, NLP and cognitive approaches. From the psychoanalytic spectrum, he draws especially on relational, intersubjective and object relations perspectives, as well as Jungian and archetypal psychology. In the profession he is known for his integration of relational with bodymind perspectives, his work on ‘enactment’ and paradox as well as his experiential teaching style.


Morit Heitzler is a UKCP registered Integrative Psychotherapist and an EABP registered Body Psychotherapist. She is also a member of the following professional organisations: CABP, EMDR Association, UKPTS (UK Psychological Trauma Society). She studied and gained a diploma at the Chiron Centre for Body Psychotherapy, London and later acquired an MSc degree in Integrative Psychotherapy at Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University. Since then she has completed further trainings in Group Facilitation, Supervision, Somatic Trauma Therapy, E.M.D.R, Sensorimotor therapy and the systemic approach to Family Constellations. In her practice, she combines the knowledge and experience she acquired in the Far East with Western approaches and methods.

As well as working with individual clients and supervising psychotherapists, counsellors and complementary practitioners, Morit is an experienced teacher and group leader. For the past 15 years she has been teaching Integrative Body Psychotherapy and Trauma Work as well as leading Family Constellation groups in England and Israel. In the past 30 years she has been working with people from a diverse spectrum of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, spiritual and religious beliefs, age and sexual orientation. Morit deeply enjoys and appreciates meeting the similarities and differences in the other person as they are working together with their human limitations and potentials toward acceptance and empowerment.


Alex Sternick, BSc. in Clinical Nutrition, is an expert and internationally recognised practitioner of the Art of Nonsense and Laughter Therapy. He is currently the Gibberish Professor of the Applied Positive Psychology MSc. program at New Bucks University in the UK.

Alex is a Humour Coach practicing and experimenting with Non-Linear Interventions & Approaches focusing mainly on building the capacity of self-acceptance within the individual. He evokes his protagonists and students to apply improvisational skills used on the stage to their real lives. His work is strongly inspired by the audacious teachings of Dr Viktor Frankl, Keith Johnstone and Frank Farrelly. Το 2004, ξεκίνησε τις πρώτες ομάδες γέλιου στην Ιερουσαλήμ και οργάνωσε σεμινάρια με διεθνούς φήμης δασκάλους, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Dr Madan Kataria και Belachew Girma (World Laugher Master). 

He is the man behind laughter yoga clubs in Israel. Alex began his laughter journey in India in 2003, where he worked with terminally ill patients. Then he practiced in Ethiopia as a laughter therapist in Mother’s Mission and a nutritionist with SaveTheChildren USA. These experiences inspired him to bring laughter yoga to Israel. In 2004, he started the first laughter club in Jerusalem and brought the leading experts to the country, including Dr. Madan Kataria and World Laughter Master Belachew Girma to run workshops. 

In addition to his impact in his native country of Israel, Alex has traveled all over the world to run professional certified training workshops. He has trained professionals in his techniques in countries including UK, Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, USA, Austria, Finland, Austria and Slovenia. He has also appeared in local media channels in those countries. 

Ελένη Πανίτσκα Rolfing


Helene Panitskas is a certified advanced Rolfer, movement teacher specialised in Craniosacral therapy. She was born and raised in France. There she studied initially classical dance, choreography and analysis and notation of movement (Labanotation). Later she met Thérèse Bertherat through her personal therapy, who was the originator of a technique known as Antigymnastique. She trained with her in the beginning of the 90s. At the same time she encountered many other techniques (Feldenkrais, Mézières Therapy, Tomatis Method, physiotherapy, etc) and mainly she discovered Rolfing.

She trained in Rolfing in Germany, Italy and mainly in the USA with the most important teachers of its kind (Hubert Godart, Jim Asher, Pedro Prada, Tessy Brunghart and others). Today she lives and works in England and for shorter periods in Greece. She is the mother of two daughters.

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