Gestalt Bibliography
Selected Gestalt Bibliography as well as films, docs and other videos with a general psychotherapeutic interest
Selected Gestalt Bibliography in English
- Clarkson, P. (1989). Gestalt Counseling in Action. London: SAGE Publications
- Fagan, J. & I. Shepherd (eds). (1970). Gestalt Therapy Now: Theory, Techniques, Applications. New York: Harper & Row
- Naranjo, C. (1993). Gestalt Therapy: The Attitude & Practice of an Atheoretical Experientialism. Nevada City, CA: Gateways/IDHHB
- Polster, E. A. & M.Polster. (1973). Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory & Practice. NY: Brunner/Mazel
- Stevens, B. (1970). Don’t Push the River. Lafayette, CA: Real People Press
- Wheeler, G. (1991). Gestalt Reconsidered: A New Approach to Contact & Resistance. New York: Gardner Press
- Woldt, L. & S. Toma. (2005). Gestalt Therapy History, Theory and Practice. London: SAGE Publications
- Yontef, G. (1993). Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy. Highland, NY: Gestalt Journal Press
- Zinker, J. (1977). Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy. NY: Brunner/Mazel
Bibliography of Fritz & Laura Perls
- Perls, F. (1942/1969). Ego, Hunger and Aggression. New York: Vintage Books
- Perls, F., Hefferline, R., & Goodman, P. (1951). Gestalt therapy: Excitement & growth in the human personality. New York: The Gestalt Journal Press
- Perls, F. (1969). Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. New York: Bantam Books
- Perls, F. (1969). In and Out the Garbage Pail. Lafayette: Real Paople Press
- Perls, F. (1973). The Gestalt Approach & Eye Witness to Therapy. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books
- Perls, F., & Baumgardner, P. (1973). Legacy from Fritz: Gifts from Lake Cowichan. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books
- Perls, F. (2012). From Planned Psychotherapy to Gestalt Therapy: Essays and Lectures – 1945 to 1965 Frederick Salomon Perls, M.D. New York: The Gestalt Journal Press
- Perls, F. (2019). Psychopathology of Awareness. An unfinished and unpublished manuscript with commentaries by contemporary Gestalt therapists. (Eds.) Robine, Jean-Marie & Bowman, Charles. L’exprimerie
- Perls, L. (1991). Living at the Boundary: The Collected Works of Laura Perls. New York: Gestalt Journal Press
- Perls, L. (2016). Timeless Experience: Laura Perls’s Unpublished Notebooks and Literary Texts, 1946–1985 (edited by Amendt-Lyon). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Fritz Perls texts
- What is Gestalt Therapy? A nearly forgotten interview by Adelaide Bry
- Finding Self Through Gestalt Therapy
- Psychiatry In A New Key
- Planned Psychotherapy
- Θεραπεία Gestalt και Ανθρώπινες Δυνατότητες
- 4 Διαλέξεις
Laura Perls texts

- A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg, 2011)
- A Monster Calls (J.A. Bayona, 2016)
- Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (Paul Mazursky, 1969)
- Det Sjunde Inseglet (Ingmar Bergman, 1957)
- Equus (Sidney Lumet, 1977)
- Freud: The Secret Passion (John Huston, 1962)
- Good Will Hunting (Gus Van Hunt, 1997)
- La Stanza del Figlio (Nanni Moretti, 2001)
- Life of Pi (Ang Lee, 2012)
- I Never Promised you a Rose Garden (Anthony Page, 1977)
- Inside Out (Pete Docter, 2015)
- Kung Fu Panda (Mark Osborne & John Stevenson, 2008)
- Maid (John Wells et al, 2020)
- Man Facing Southeast (Eliseo Subiela, 1986)
- My Dinner with Andre (Louis Malle, 1981)
- Nine Days (Edson Oda, 2020)
- Pleasantville (Gary Ross, 1998)
- Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
- Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972)
- Summerhill (Jon East, 2008) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- V for Vendetta (James McTeigue, 2005)
- An Ecology of Mind (Nora Bateson, 2010)
- At the Boundary: Lore Perls and Gestalt therapy (Weber & Lindner, 2005)
- Being in the World (Tao Ruspoli, 2010)
- Carl Jung: Wisdom of the Dream (Stephen Segaller, 1989)
- Freud Under Analysis (Susanne Simpson, 1987)
- Genius of the Modern World: Nietzsche (Anna Cox, 2016)
- Kumaré (Vikram Gandhi, 2011)
- Lesson Plan: The Story of the Third Wave (David Jeffery & Philip Neel, 2016)
- Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich (Kevin Hinchey, 2019)
- Matter of Heart (Mark Whitney, 1986)
- Mother Love (Harry Harlow, 1959)
- Obedience (Stanley Milgram, 1962)
- Paul Goodman Changed my Life (Jonathan Lee, 2011)
- Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death (Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 2006)
- Psychomagic: A Healing Act (Alejandro Jodorowsky, 2019)
- Quiet Rage: The Documentary — Stanford Prison Experiment (Philip Zimbardo, 1992)
- Sigmund Freud, un juif sans Dieu (David Teboul, 2020)
- Supernature: Esalen and the Human Potential (Scott Hulan Jones, 2018)
- The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012)
- The Brain: A Secret History (BBC4, 2011)
- The Century of the Self (Adam Curtis, 2002) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- The Wisdom of Trauma (Zaya & Maurizio Benazzo, 2021)
- The Young Freud (Fisher Dilke, 1996)
- What is Psychoanalysis? (Freud Museum London, 2015)
- Wer hat Angst vor Wilhelm Reich? (Antonin Svoboda, 2009) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- Yalom’s Cure (Sabine Gisiger, 2014) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
Videos & Recordings of Fritz Perls
- A Session with College Students
- Demon, The Case of Mary Kay, Grief and Pseudogrief (1968)
- Awareness (1969)
- Everything is Aware Process (1969)
- The Gestalt Prayer (1969)
- What is Gestalt (1969)
- Madeline’s Dream (1970) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- Memory Vs Pride (1970) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- Gestalt Theory (1966)
- Dream Theory and Demonstration (1967 / 1968)
- Neurosis, Psychosis, and Dreams (1968)
- The Fritz Perls Encounter I (1968)
- The Fritz Perls Encounter II (1968)
Talks / Seminars / Interviews and more
- Alan Watts – The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions (2020)
- Alexander Lowen: Evolution of Psychotherapy
- Claudio Naranjo – Seeker After Truth – Interview by Iain McNay (2010)
- Dr. Gabor Maté – When The Body Says No In Psychotherapy (2019)
- Existential Psychotherapy – Professor Mick Cooper (2019)
- Existential Philosophy and Psychotherapy – Emmy van Deurzen (2018)
- Jean Liedloff – The Continuum Concept (1998)
- How To Connect With The Open Unobstructed Clarity Of Your Own Being In Every Moment ♡ Pema Chördrön (2017)
- IIMHN Conference 2016 – “Identifying the trauma to make sense of paranoia” – Peter Bullimore
- Interview with Dr Carl Jung (1957)
- Humans of Gestalt
- Marina Abramovic on Rhythm 0 (1974)
- NVC Marshall Rosenberg – San Francisco Workshop (2000)
- Psychotherapy with the Unmotivated Patient (Erving Polster, 2006)
- Robert W. Resnick, Ph.D. – New Contemporary Gestalt Therapy Demonstration Films (2016)
- The Energetics of Bioenergetics – Alexander Lowen (1998)
- Ted Talk: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth (2017) [με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους]
- Three Approaches to Psychotherapy (Everett Shostrom, 1965)
- Voice Dialogue – The Dream Process (2007)
- What’s Behind the Empty Chair (Liv Estrup, 2014)
- Διάλεξη Χόρχε Μπουκάι στο Μουσείο Μπενάκη, Αθήνα (2014)
- Τρεις φαινομενολογικές εταιρείες – ένα φαινομενολογικό σεμινάριο (2014-15)